How Is Duck Tape So Strong? šŸ„

Henry Belcaster
Henry Belcaster
3 min read

Morning Durd!

Hey hey hey, whatā€™s up buddy?

Youā€™re excited for another day of Smart Nonsense learning?

Me too :)

Letā€™s get you ready to go..


Say, how is duck tape so strong anyway?

If you missed our the invention of duck tape newsletter, letā€™s get some brass tacks out of the way:

  • Duck tape was invented in 1942 ā€“ WWII
  • The US needed a strong tape to seal wooden ammunition boxes
  • It had to be waterproof like a duckā€™s back

Okay, now bring back Durd. Itā€™s time to learn why itā€™s so strong.

Poor fellow, lol.

Letā€™s zoom in on his mouth:


Now, thereā€™s 3 components that make this stuff so strong.

Obviously thereā€™s a layer of adhesive:

This is what gives duck tape its stickiness.

Then, thereā€™s the silver, waterproof duck backing.

This is what gives duck tape its signature waterproofing.

But in the middle of these two layers is where the magic happens.

See, this is a scrim:

Itā€™s a thin layer of woven cotton that distributes forces evenly across the tape.

It increases the tapeā€™s tensile strength ā€“ basically the amount you can pull on the tape before it breaks.

Poor durd canā€™t win today.

So how is it so easy to tear duck tape then?

Well, that middle cloth layer ā€“ the scrim ā€“ is a woven like this:

And it takes almost no effort to tear against its grain!

Stay Cute,
Henry & Dylan šŸŒˆ

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P.P.SNot enough Smart Nonsense for one day? Click to watch a sick video about Henry & Dylan šŸ‘‡

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