Where did Earth's water come from?

Morning Water Drinkers!

This is the back side of the Earth:

It's basically all water!
I mean we’ve got like 1233.91 QUINTILLION liters of the stuff… its crazy.
But… where’d all that water come from??
Well, for this we gotta go back… like WAYYY back.
Just after the big bang.

Ok so at the time the world looked like this:

But zoom in a bit.

There were these little hydrogen particles flying about the place

And eventually they started joining together forming giant balls of hotness, aka stars!

Now inside these stars it’s was soooo hot and sooo dense these hydrogen bois fuse together into helium.
The Helium fuse into beryllium.
And Beryllium fuse into oxygen.
But, there’s a problem!
Eventually these stars get so big and heavy they BLOW UP!

Which BLASTS all these fancy minerals into space
Where they fuze together and form a whole bunch of even fancier minerals

Like… H2O!
Now, some of this water ends up in a giant dust cloud somewhere in space
Which eventually gets squashed into our sun and a bunch of planets

Hey look, there’s Earth!

But this only accounts for a little bit of our water, so where did the rest come from?

Remember the water that formed our solar system?
Turns out a lot of it ended up in these asteroid belts:

So these icy rocks kept smashing into Earth over and over again.
And because some of these asteroids can be made up of like 80% water.
Over like a SUPER long ass time it, very slowly, filled out oceans!
Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈
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